7 ways growing a small business is like making your own sourdough

During the endless lockdowns and isolation periods over the past few years, many of us found ourselves trying new hobbies and interests which could be done without stepping foot outside home. Common ones included knitting, sewing, reading, yoga, paint-by-numbers and baking sourdough. On this last one, I was fortunate to have some success. Certainly more success than my poor paint-by-numbers – the brushes are still sitting in an empty cup on my bookshelf, hard and…

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How to make social distancing and self-isolation good for your business

There has been a lot—a lot—of content lately around working from home, social distancing and self-isolation. Social media is bursting with memes, tips, ideas and statistics around the coronavirus, shopping centre shelves being stripped bare, toilet paper being more in demand than food (if someone can explain that to me, please get in touch!) and the delights and difficulties of spending more time at home.   As business owners, particularly small business owners, these social…

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Book Review – ‘How to Build an Online Business’ by Bernadette Schwerdt

Do you know how Uber got started in Australia? Not the way you might think. Without giving away too much, it involved an airport and some paper fliers tucked under the windscreen wipers of limo drivers’ cars. The rest is Uber history. This is just one of the many, many examples Bernadette Schwerdt uses to illustrate each idea, suggestion, or nugget of advice she offers throughout this comprehensive book. Who is Bernadette Schwerdt? Author, speaker,…

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A Likely Story: The Power of Business Storytelling

An in-depth look at the what, how and why of brand storytelling, and its relevance as a content marketing strategy for all business owners and copywriters. ____ Once upon a time, in a city far, far away, there lived a kindly business owner. Every morning she made a cup of strong coffee then sat down and checked her emails. Every morning they consisted of much the same: a host of client inquiries, requests for quotes,…

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