Working from home dog
Business content SEO

How to make social distancing and self-isolation good for your business

There has been a lot—a lot—of content lately around working from home, social distancing and self-isolation. Social media is bursting with memes, tips, ideas and statistics around the coronavirus, shopping centre shelves being stripped bare, toilet paper being more in demand than food (if someone can explain that to me, please get in touch!) and the delights and difficulties of spending more time at home.


As business owners, particularly small business owners, these social distancing measures are creating a lot of difficulties, from fewer and cancelled bookings, lessened income, through to trying to work from home when the kids are unexpectedly there at the same time.


Despite these problems, there are most certainly numerous ways you can ensure your business actually benefits from this period of self-isolation.


Working from home


Use these TOP 5 ways to make social distancing GOOD for your business:


  1. Use the time working from home to brush up on the technological aspects of your business.

Have you been neglecting your business’ social media platforms for a while?

Have you heard of something called ‘Zoom’ but don’t know how it works?

Do you have an e-newsletter you send to employees and past clients? Was it supposed to be weekly, but has drifted towards the monthly mark? Or less frequently than you’d intended? Get it going again, get new content up (see Point 2 below) and renew engagement.

Now is a great time to ensure your business is up to scratch technologically, and to ensure all your communication platforms and different types of software are working as hard as they can be to keep your business running and your employees (if you have any) connected and contributing, even if you are all in different places.

Do an online course, or watch tutorials, to bring yourself up to speed too.


  1. Work on your website and its content.

A website is unarguably a must for any business. Whether you are running an online business or one with a shopfront, as a sole trader or managing a team of employees, there is no place potential customers are more likely to turn to find out about your product or service than the internet.

And, if you have had to momentarily close your café or retail shopfront due to social distancing measures, right now is the perfect time for your website to shine as it acts as your business’ temporary shopfront.

‘right now is the perfect time for your website to shine as it acts as your business’ temporary shopfront.’

Working on the SEO aspects of your website, particularly the generation of new content to keep your site fresh, all the while pushing your new blog posts towards your social platforms, will help increase traffic and interest in your site and (ideally) improve your SERP ranking.

Not sure how SEO works? Spend the time reading up on it, doing an online course, or contact a web copywriter who can help (like us – here)


  1. Improve your phone skills.

Does the idea of making a phone call still make your tummy clench and your scalp tingle? Prefer the idea of having your toenails extracted to calling up clients?

Totally understand. But now is a perfect opportunity to get better at those phone calls. And how better to improve than through practice, practice and more practice. The first one of the day can be hard—try having a script, and keep a smile on your face (or a grimace … both sound like you’re smiling from the other end of the call).

Set yourself numerical, achievable goals for each day concerning how many calls you will make. And make sure you review each one before making the next call to ensure you are refining your phone skills as you go along.


  1. Make it a time for creativity, and inspired planning.

This really is a time for thinking, planning, and generating new ideas; perhaps refreshing a slogan or getting a logo redesigned. Or altering a few things on your café’s menu, or developing an idea for a new range of lipsticks.

Whatever your business, make this time of social distancing one of creativity, inspiration and ideas.

Consider also working on your business’ story, if you haven’t already considered this. Corporate storytelling is increasingly becoming an integral part of the way customers interact with companies. For more on it, read our article.

Need some motivation? Well, Shakespeare managed to produce King Lear during his period of quarantine due to plague. Big shoes to fill, perhaps. So keep that TV switched off and give yourself every opportunity to think outside the box (or outside your house, despite the circumstances).

‘Whatever your business, make this time of social distancing one of creativity, inspiration and ideas.’


  1. Have some ‘slow time’ but keep to a routine as well.

It’s a bit of a myth that working from home equals working in your pyjamas. Let’s face it – we all feel that much perkier and ready-to-go when we’re dressed, breakfasted (including/excluding coffee – whatever your preference) and sitting at a desk of some form.

It’s important to keep that up during this period of working from home. Still get up at the same time, still follow through with your shower or your breakfast or your morning yoga routine. Get dressed in clothes you would happily meet a client wearing (ie. not sleep attire). And sit at a table. Or a desk.

All of that said, there is nothing wrong with enjoying a bit of a slower approach to life in line with all this staying-at-home. Water your pot plants. Or bake a cake. Spoil yourself with a long-than-usual lunch break and try some yoga, throw the ball for your dog, or dig into a book you’ve been meaning to read for ages.



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