Q: How much do you charge?

A: Ah, the million-dollar question (but rest assured, we don’t charge a million dollars!)
Each client and each project is different and unique. As a result, we will chat to you about your content marketing goals and develop a tailored package to ensure those goals are met. Our prices are tailored too. Do feel free to contact us to ask for a quote.

Q: What is your process?

A:  First, we get to know your business and put together a preliminary quote proposal. If you’re happy with this, we then chat to you in a detailed briefing session to identify your marketing and content goals, unique selling proposition, and the features and benefits you are promoting. Then, we craft your copy. Two revisions are included in our project fee to ensure you’re happy with our work.

Q: Do I have to complete my own keyword planning research for SEO projects?

A: No (unless you really, really want to).
We do charge extra for keyword planning though, as it’s an essential but rather time consuming part of SEO-ing your website to its full potential to keep Google happy and boost your website’s SERP visibility.

Q: How many revisions do you include?

A: Two. That is, the original submission plus two revisions. We want to make sure you’re happy with our work.

Q: Can you create a content calendar for my business?

A:  Absolutely! Content calendars are excellent tools for planning a series of e-newsletters, social media or blog posts over a particular period of time. We will discuss ideas and themes for each week or month then consolidate it into a calendar for you.

Q: How many posts to a package?

A:  For blog articles and e-newsletters, we work to a minimum of five. For social media posts, our package involves a minimum of ten posts. No maximum. That way, you get a lovely, coherent series of articles/newsletters/posts all ready to go and be opened, read, clicked and liked by your customers. Do ask us about crafting you a content calendar (see above) while we’re at it.

Didn’t find the answer you were looking for? Contact us. Let’s chat.