7 ways growing a small business is like making your own sourdough

During the endless lockdowns and isolation periods over the past few years, many of us found ourselves trying new hobbies and interests which could be done without stepping foot outside home. Common ones included knitting, sewing, reading, yoga, paint-by-numbers and baking sourdough. On this last one, I was fortunate to have some success. Certainly more success than my poor paint-by-numbers – the brushes are still sitting in an empty cup on my bookshelf, hard and…

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Content Calendar: why you need one and how to make it good

It’s good to be organised. When you own or run a business, it is essential. A content calendar is a sure-fire way to keep both organised and motivated when it comes to generating content and keeping your followers engaged.   What is a content calendar? It is essentially an outline of all the content you plan to write and publish in an upcoming period of time – be it a week, a month, six months,…

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Proofreading 101: 5 tips to get all your company documents error-free

Why is an error-free, consistently punctuated approach important?   This probably seems like a silly question, with an obvious answer, right? So why, then, are so many websites, newsletters, corporate communications documents, blog posts, even social media updates (which, let’s face it, aren’t that long), riddled with typos?   What do you think when you stumble across a business’ official website and the third line contains an error? Personally, I tend to go back to…

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How to get the most out of a Creative Brief

As a copywriter, a crucial part of beginning any new copywriting project, particularly with a new client, is the creative brief.   Some copywriters take the creative brief before quoting, others do a shorter briefing to develop the quote which, once accepted, is followed by the detailed creative brief. Either way, it is an essential part of any copywriting project.   Why is the creative brief important? It saves both you (the copywriter) and your…

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5 Ways to write Title Tags that make people Click!

Title tags can be tricky. They are often the first thing people see when they are searching Google for your page. So they must be clickable! Here are 5 ways to make your site’s title tags awesome:   1. Make your title tag both irresistible and informative Both of these factors are equally important. The tag must explain succinctly and precisely what the content on the page is about. And it needs to be catchy…

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